D.I.Y QRP Unun

A basic PCB unun with a BNC connector for QRP operation, ideal for use with a Half-Wave End-Fed (HWEF) or long-wire antenna for HF bands.

You can build a 1:1, 4:1, 9:1, or 49:1 unun using an FT82-43 Ferrite Core Toroid Ring.

Gerber file for PCB:

Below is the list of components from RS online:


BNC Right angle PCB connector

Ferrite Core Toroid Ring

100pF 20KV Capacitor

24 AWG Enamelled copper wire

M5 screw

M5 washer

M5 Ring Terminal

M5 Wingnut

Unun can be tied to PCB using zip ties, antenna wire can be connected using ring terminal.
