How to make QSO on VHF/UHF (FM repeater)

For FM repeater QSO it is best to have the radio squelch set to normal where you can easily hear the repeater transmission.


Follow the steps to have a good QSO:

  • Select the radio channel which is programmed for the repeater.
  • Wait few seconds to hear any on going QSO’s. if nothing heard key in the PTT for few seconds to see if your radio signals can trigger repeater transmissions.
  • If its working Push PTT and say following “(Your callsign) via (Repeater’s callsign) calling for CQ and standing by”. Wait few second for response form other HAM radio operators. Repeat the call if necessary.
  • On establishing QSO you will exchange the following; Callsigns, Names, Location (QTH), Location relative to Repeater (you can have direct simplex QSO later if feasible), transmit power. Any other conversation which doesn’t violate your licencing conditions.
  • Now you can say your goodbye “73’s” and log your QSO in Logbook if you want (it is recommended to log all your QSO’s).


Information provided above is my personal view/experience. Follow your Country’s Licence practices.

