Tagged: Amateur Radio

Qrp unun 3d

D.I.Y QRP Unun

A basic PCB unun with a BNC connector for QRP operation, ideal for use with a Half-Wave End-Fed (HWEF) or long-wire antenna for HF bands. You can build a 1:1, 4:1, 9:1, or 49:1...

Communication reference book image.

Communication Reference Book

Simple Communication Reference Book in A5 size with reference to RST, Q-Codes, UK ham radio band plans, Antenna lengths, Emergency Communication Abbreviations/Prowords, Emergency Comms Frequencies. 73’s 2E0UMR

Tools and box

Go Power Box for mobile radio operations

Portable/ mobile power have important role while operating mobile, either it is field day, POTA, SOTA or any other activity. Having a go box power with multiple types of power connections is very helpful....